Inspiring Patterns

Each issue of the All Kansas & Nebraska Shop Hop™ Magazine features several patterns by talented designers. Bonus patterns are also available in the free downloads area of our website. Fill out the form and bookmark the page for easy access.

We do our best to get the bonus patterns posted shortly after the magazine goes on sale each year. Sometimes it takes a little extra time if corrections are needed during the proofing process. All patterns should be posted by the start of the Shop Hop.


Flying Trip to the Farmers Market

By Julie Geiger, Prairie Point Junction

Armed with a sewing machine or needle and thread, Julie Geiger creates all types of fabric wonderment including quilts, wool applique, embroidery and wool felt projects. Captivated by all things fabric since she was a young girl, Julie opened Prairie Point Junction Quilt Shop – Home of Wool Felt Central, in Cozad, Nebraska, in 1998. Julie loves to share her passion and enthusiasm for fabric with customers near and far in her shop just off Interstate 80.

Time for a Picnic

By Tonya Dunning, Memory Barn Studio

Tonya has been sewing for most of her life. When her mom was diagnosed with dementia, she discovered Fidget Quilts and realized there was a market for the patterns. So off to pattern writing class she went. Within the class, she fell in love with editing and writing, and now provides those services for others. When not quilting or writing, she loves to read and cross stitch.

Stitched and Flipped

By Kaylan Prieb, Stitches Quilt Shop

Kaylan Prieb has been an avid quilter since the age of 11, cultivating her passion for fabric arts over the years. In July 2023, she purchased Stitches Quilt Shop in McPherson, Kansas, from its previous owner, Janet Yowell. Kaylan finds immense satisfaction in helping customers select fabrics and guiding them through the process of completing their quilts. In doing so, she has found contentment in the most exciting and rewarding job she has ever had.


By Deb Messina, Quiltblox

Pattern designer, quilter, blogger, and online shop owner, Deb learned to sew as a pre-teen from her grandfather. He taught her how to draft patterns – starting with chair cushions and drapes. From there she moved on to clothing and then, inspired by a stack of family quilts made by her great aunt, to quilting. Many of her quilt designs are block-based: traditional with a modern twist. You can follow Quiltblox on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Threads.

Woven Sunshine

By Karna Lackey, Sew in 2 Quilts

Sew In 2 Quilts owned by Karna Lackey, operates under the motto, “Where fun and fabric combine to make magic happen.” Opened in 2019, the shop offers quilters a variety of bright fabrics, ideas, and classes. Joined by her husband in 2022, they now feature two Gammills for longarm quilting. With years of experience, Karna has designed patterns and fabrics for the Central Kansas Quilt Shop Hop, written for national sewing magazines, and appeared on a Bernina USA-sponsored TV show.

To Market We Go

By Danelle Howard, Cottage Path Quilting

Quilts have long been a cozy backdrop in Danelle’s life. From playing under the quilting frame at the church sewing bee, stitching alongside grandma, then starting her own longarm quilting studio. Stepping into the worlds of pattern design and quilt history have been the most recent addictions. When not quilting, Danelle keeps busy with heading up her local farmer’s market, knitting, tending to her small flock of chickens, being her mother’s garden assistant, and many other homestead adventures.

Fill out this form and get immediate access to free patterns and templates from All Kansas & Nebraska Shop Hop™. New patterns will be available shortly after the Shop Hop begins in April. You’ll also be signed up to receive news and updates about Shop Hop stores, sponsors and prizes.